A photo of me

Lars Joseph Norlander

Lerum, Västra Götaland County, Sweden
LinkedIn Profile
Github Profile


I'm a developer that specializes in Java and its related technologies. I explore and learn about several areas of software development to widen my horizon. At my core is a programmer that loves to solve problems with code.


TORO Cloud, Philippines

Research Scientist

Apr 2018–Aug 2018

As Research Scientist and the initiator of the company's new Engineering Research Team, I developed the workflow processes of the team. The team is responsible for training software engineers and experimenting with new technologies like Apache Kafka.

Associate Software Engineer

Apr 2017–Apr 2018

After graduating from university, I was immediately employed full time. As an Associate Software Engineer, I worked on the development of new features for the company’s main product. During this time, I was also the supervisor for one of the internship programs where I supervised 12 students.

Associate Software Engineer (Part Time)

Jul 2016–Apr 2017

After my internship, TORO Cloud offered a part time position while I complete my last year of university. As a part time Associate Software Engineer at TORO Cloud, I contributed to a new, experimental workflow engine for the company’s main product.

Software Engineer Trainee

Apr 2016–Jul 2016

This was a summer internship offered by TORO Cloud after my third year of college. As a Backend Intern at TORO Cloud, I was trained in the use of the Groovy programming language and the Java platform. I also learned the core skills needed for software development including Object Oriented Programming and Agile Development.


Angeles University Foundation

BS Computer Science


I graduated Cum Laude and as the Outstanding Student for Science and Technology 2017. I was also the university’s Google Student Ambassador from 2014–2015.

Selected Accomplishments

Angeles University Foundation

The Outstanding Student for Science and Technology 2017

Feb 2017

This award was given to me as a graduating student of the school year to recognize my efforts in Science and Technology.


Champion: Lock In Programming

Jan 2016

I was the winner and champion of a competition where students were tasked with creating a Content Management System from scratch in six hours.

Champion: PLDT SME National Hackathon

Apr 2015

I was the winner and champion of a competition where students had to develop a website for a given company to represent their brand.


Angeles University Foundation

C.A.T. Counselor

Mar 2016

The system “C.A.T. Counselor” aims to gather relevant data about a student and generate a report detailing what their strengths and weaknesses are and how it affect their fitness for an academic strand. This was published as my college thesis and was implemented at a local school.

Link to publication



  • Communication
  • Leadership

Programming Languages

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Groovy
  • Swift


  • Agile Development
  • Design Patterns
  • Functional Programming
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Test Driven Development

Frameworks & Tools

  • Hibernate
  • Spring
  • Git
  • Gradle
  • Maven